The path to Machu Picchu, also known as the Inca Trail, is a popular hiking route that leads to the ancient Inca citadel of Machu Picchu in Peru. The trail is approximately 43 kilometers (27 miles) long and takes 4-5 days to complete.
The Inca Trail is considered one of the most beautiful and challenging hikes in the world, with a mix of challenging terrain and stunning views of the Andean landscape.
The Inca Trail is not recommended for inexperienced hikers, as it involves long days of hiking, steep inclines, and high altitude. It’s important to be in good physical shape and properly acclimatized to the altitude before embarking on the hike.
The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, Peru is a must-visit destination for many people for a variety of reasons. Here are a few:
The best time to visit the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, Peru is based on the weather conditions