Lock Eyes With Lemurs In Madagascar’s Andasibe National Park

The beautiful scenery will make you feel like you are in another world where lemurs and parrots live, while incredible landscapes can be seen as well. Lemurs are one of the most iconic symbols of Madagascar.
Sail Through Glistening Fjords In Greenland

Sail through glistening fjords in Greenland, an area of the Arctic coastline of Canada and Greenland which is full of contrasts from temperate to sub-zero temperatures.
Gladiator School At The Colosseum In Italy

Gladiator school, also known as a ludus, was a training facility where men were trained to become gladiators in ancient Rome.
Take A Walk In Charles Darwin’s Shoes In The Galápagos Islands

The Galápagos Islands are a volcanic archipelago located in the Pacific Ocean, about 1,000 km (600 mi) west of mainland Ecuador.
Learn The Art Of The Ninja In Japan

The art of the ninja, also known as ninjutsu, is a Japanese martial art that was developed by the ninja clans of feudal Japan.
Receive A Blessing In The Floating Villages Of Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca is a large, high-altitude lake located in the Andes Mountains on the border of Peru and Bolivia.
Walk The Salt Crushed Shores Of The Dead Sea In Jordan

The Dead Sea is known for its high salt content, which makes it extremely buoyant and allows people to float on the surface of the water
Peru & Brazil

Peru is a country in South America, located on the western coast of the continent. Brazil is a large country in South America, located on the eastern coast of the continent.
Way Of The Ninja, Japan

The way of the ninja, also known as ninjutsu, was a martial art and set of tactics practiced by the ninja of feudal Japan.
Meet The Maasai, Kenya

Masai, the people who are the true keepers of Kenya.